Freda's People

Thursday, April 25, 2024

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Crisses are like a thousand breaths of fresh air. We used to be worried we were an awful help rejecting monster of a human... (more)

Since we’ve found Crisses, it seems we are more than willing to try things - simply because time and time again, their advice has proven effective for helping us get to wherever we’re trying to go. Not one tiny bit of hurting either, just hope, and relief, almost like they're breathing it out wherever they go.

We recently finished a coaching group led by Crisses, and will be eternally grateful for the opportunity to attend. Before the course was even halfway through, our system had broken out of what seemed like a neverending chronic freeze, and we had people journalling, making agreements, plans, and communicating regularly throughout each day. Also, lots of odd things we have going on inside and never managed to make sense of were easily validated or explained by Crisses, which really helped us feel more solid and sure of ourselves. The coaching took us way beyond where we could ever have imagined in just a few short weeks.

I expect we will be reaping the benefits of this coaching for many years to come. If you get the chance to spend even a few minutes with Crisses, I highly recommend seizing it with both hands. Probably some of the most empowering, open-minded, open-hearted peoples you'll find on this Earth.

--Freda's People, Internal Communication Group Coaching Pilot (2)

Whichever piece of reality I am chewing on (work crises now; long ago hurts and griefs; future fears and hopes), Criss is right... (more) -- Anonymous One

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CRISS ensured a safe and supportive environment for folks like me who are completely new to the issues and experiences of DID... (more) -- Ocean

(texttrim Well we have been coaching with you for a few months now so feel pretty comfortable in speaking about our experience with your coaching. We have set back and watched your System and how you all operate and thought, "Ya. They get it so lets try it!". Absolutely no as in zero regrets. We are, or at least I am often a jumbled, distracted mess of a Host and you all never challenge the words we choose or the behaviors we exhibit but instead challenge us to consider the ors plus the ands (and all those attached behaviors between). Coaching is in addition to therapy for us and have felt so incredibly safe that we actually had The Crisses telehealth in with our provider for continuity of care. A covert System really appreciates the level of trust built to have that happen especially since I am a mental health provider. My therapist has even commented on The Crisses level of knowledge and relatability. Sign up for some coaching because I gotta tell ya there has been some progress happening within this System; you wont be disappointed!) (more) --BH

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