SuperBetter Ideas

Posted on July 27, 2024.

SuperBetter Ideas

SuperBetter is an app to encourage resiliency and help you track self-care, mental exercises, attitude changes, exercise, health, etc. — basically it's an app to help you protect and build your collection of spoons.

Here's ideas we've taken from Passionizing™ materials to create fun custom Power-Ups, Bad Guys & Quests in SuperBetter:

(will detail asap)


  • Choose Your Own Adventure
  • Failing with Grace
  • Breathe Deep & Wiggle Your Toes
  • Do What You Want & Want What You Do
  • Follow Your Why
  • Superfood Burst
  • Express Yourself: Writing

Bad Guys

  • Evil Obligation Twins
  • Sell Out Sally


  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Mental Meeting
  • Building Trust

Other Posts in April 2018

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