Get Pumped - a letter to myself
Posted on December 30, 2015.
Get Pumped - a letter to myself

We all face those moments where we're not quite right. A bad day, anxious, depressed, down in the dumps, overwhelmed, out of focus, sick, sick and tired, or whatever. So on a day when you're feeling great, it's good to leave yourself some tips on what inspires you, why you're feeling great, and give your-future-self some helpful words of advice.
So the first thing that the Passionizing™ Planner asks you to do is write a letter to yourself. After reading the What is Passionizing™? note, my hope is that you're inspired and ready to tell future-you something helpful. Here's what I wrote, and note I was so excited to have just received my new planner!
I've just realized very recently that almost all my skills and experiences have pointed me towards not only writing my own books (that was clear) but helping other people write and publish their books. That was less clear until my first customer published and we were able to hold her book and look at it, and count the pages, and watching her sign her books, and helping her market her book to the world. This is definitely a gift and dream, to find that balance between almost all my skills and talents where what I'm doing for a client is always changing because birthing books is a process and always different for every person. So there's nothing to fall into a rut over, nothing to get bored of. And it uses all the sections of my brain.
I'm in love with falling in love with my passion. LOL
I hope this helps inspire you to write your own letter to yourself. What do you need to hear, what do you need to remind yourself of? Write it in your planner.
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