9 Tips for Overwhelm Relief

I'm so glad you're taking this time out to help yourself. I don't know which is better for you, so I'm giving you 2 ways to use these tips. The first is this webpage - you can bookmark it, make it your homepage in your browser if you want to see it every day, or you can use the link for the printable version so you can put it up on your bulletin board, fridge, or add it to your journal or diary. You choose, but whatever you do, please make sure you don't just read this and toss it aside. These are very valuable hints on how to reconnect with the missing energy in your life.

I look forward to getting to know you better, and I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to help you.

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Printable & downloadable version.

These tips are part of each step of the complete 9-step SURRENDER™ program. You should spend some time with each one of these and actually put it into practice to see an effect.

  1. Stop volunteering -- for now. A common genetic marker1 in SuperWomen is a reflex that makes our hand shoot up when someone says “We (I) need someone (you) to....” Volunteer again once you’ve mastered tip #8 or step 8 in the complete SURRENDER™ program. HINT: Focus volunteer efforts on your sacred cause.
  2. Focus on the NOW with Unconditional Acceptance. Much of overwhelm is caused by worry, and it mutates into a looming Hulk-like beast when you multitask. When you are performing tasks give them your full attention.
  3. Start to Reclaim Your Time by finding little things that rob you of control over your own time. Find things you don’t need to do, or activities that sap your energy. Empower yourself: Consciously choose whether you’re going to do them.
  4. It’s time to Release Pressure & Obligations. Find opportunities to delegate & give people back the tasks that have been given to you that you no longer want to do.
  5. Evaluate your life by listing your wish list or “bucket list” so you can use it as a roadmap for step #6. If you need help, find a life coach to give you a full “life assessment” (at Liberated Life Coaching we call it an “Excavation” session) to create a roadmap.
  6. Separate your Needs & Wants. Compare your “to do” list to the roadmap you created in step #5. If items on your “to do” list are not going to get you closer to the things you really want or need, figure out how to get them off your “to do” list!
  7. When you practice Deep Gratitude & Blessings, remember to feel it as deeply and genuinely as possible. Whether you pray, keep a gratitude journal, or simply say “Thank you” when someone does something, make it a spiritual experience.
  8. Energize everything you want to do, however big or small. For example, if you’re going to volunteer, choose the ONE cause that really REALLY means something to you. Find your sacred cause that gives you energy from outside of your body.
  9. Give yourself Rewards, especially for anything that might be considered tedious. For example, for finishing a page of your taxes, light a scented candle and enjoy it. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive, you just need to show yourself appreciation for all that you do.

Thank you for taking the first step into a world without overwhelm. For more tips, ideas on better applying these tips, or the opportunity for a more intensive and in-depth program, please join me for one of my free seminars!

1 This is a joke -- it may or may not be a genetic marker. Read: common trait.

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