Lets Heal History

Let's Heal the World Together call/show history

True History

Let's Heal the World Together started as a Maestro Conference call on August 17th 2009. At first the show didn't have themes, and attendance on the calls was very poor.

I requested guests for a 20 minute segment, but over time I've found that the theme of the show is more like a 35-40 minute segment, which is better for our guests anyhow.

Because I had to pay to maintain Maestro Conference, I moved to DimDim, a free webinar service on November 11th. On December 26th I decided DimDim was too cumbersome and switched to FreeConferenceCall.com for the calls.

In late June 2010 the decision was made to switch to BlogTalkRadio and take the show onto the Internet airwaves starting with the first July 2010 show.

Early Show Themes (2009)

Before the themes were placed in individual event pages on my website these were the themes. Themes were recycled due to poor attendance, and I may not have been sticking to the strict weekly format yet.

9/14 - Empathy - How to protect yourself & still feel
9/21 - Releasing Psychic Bonds
10/5 - Empathy - How to protect yourself & still feel
10/12 - Releasing Psychic Bonds
11/16 - Motivation - Connections - Group Healings

Past Themes

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