Let's Heal the World Together - 5pm EST - Free
Monday, April 26, 2010
5pm - 6pm EST
Let's Heal the World Together - Internet Radio program*
Blessings in Disguise
Ongoing Mondays, 5pm EST, 2pm PST Some Episodes available on BlogTalkRadio This program gives us a chance to connect across the world as healers -- regardless of our training or our religion -- with the purpose of uniting the world and creating a more healthy ecosystem. The show has 3 segments: A topic for introspection & discussion. A group or population to focus healing on this week. And finally an exercise to keep in mind for the week, or specific help for someone who phones in. We accept requests for healing, also. Le'ts raise our awareness, heal ourselves, and heal others -- together. Everyone is welcome - this is free, you don't need to be a holistic practitioner or healer to participate for the show. All modalities of healing welcome. Everyone can pray, and prayers work. Note, there's a call-in line for the show, but only a limited number of callers can participate in the show at once. If you have requests, questions, or would like some advice or need healing, please be sure to email in your requests. Please invite other healers to listen to the show! "I have been participating in the "Let's Heal the World Together" call for several weeks. It is a valuable venue to get support for healing ourselves as we join together to discern how we can work collaboratively to heal the world. Criss guides the calls with a spirit of hospitality and playfulness. Each week she shares some insight about how we can heal ourselves, discern our vision, and/or live more fully into our passion and our vocations as healers with time for others to share their reflections on the subject. We also take time to share healing requests for individuals or groups of people which have come to us during the week. Finally there is time to support one another around areas that we ask for support. I love the idea of coming together around the idea of healing the world together, and I find this forum to be a hospitable and genial place to do that." -- Judith A. |
The call-in number is (917) 889-7615. I send out announcements on the topic each week - so to get announcements of the weekly topic & other bonuses, please sign up on my mailing list below: |