Helping you turn Disability into Difference

Helping you turn Disability into Difference

Mental Health Coaching

Disempowerment and stigma are wearying. Everyone on Earth faces a variety of challenges in life, and overcoming them requires insight and perseverance. Not everyone can bootstrap and get out of a rut alone. That's why we offer mental health peer coaching.

We offer coaching services specifically for our peers with mental health issues to help you improve your relationship with yourself (or your headmates), improve your daily life skills, your willpower, your ability to set and achieve goals, build your self-esteem, develop your cultural acceptance and understanding, find ways to improve your relationships, your understanding of how the world works, how you fit into it, and where you want to go from here.

Coaching is all about You

Your coach helps you determine your goals, plan for achieving them, holds you accountable to what you really want to do, helps you debug what isn't working for you, find alternatives, forgive yourself for procrastination while still working on overcoming it.

When you hire me, you are hiring me to be your coach. It's your agenda. If you don't feel empowered enough to take control of your direction, that's where we'll begin. As your coach, I'm on your team. I'm a combination of something like a sports coach and cheerleader for your life. Like a teammate in the entire Game of Life, I'll fistbump when things go right, I'll hoist you up in celebration when you win, and if you know you're screwing up I'm the one who says, "Hey, you'll do better next time!"

Occasionally, I'm the one who asks the hard questions, or shines a light in your darker places while still being there to hold your hand or give you words of encouragement. I've said to people, "Do you realize how often you use words like 'afraid' or 'fear'? Why do you think you're doing that?" Or pointed out how their actions are impacting their family and how they thought a change might alter their relationships. I hold up a mirror so you can see your mindset, your attitudes, your habits, and we explore how even small changes can often have a ripple effect and make a larger impact on your life.

SURRENDER™ to Passion & Get off the Roller Coaster

We keep telling ourselves that "Life has its ups and downs" so we create an expectation that some days things look good, other days things look bad. This habit starts early in life and continues to escalate until we're excited and clearly sailing or abyssmally "in the dumps" and ready to throw in the towel.

Our personal expectation becomes our blueprint for everything we do and everything around us, so we allow forces outside ourselves to toss our lives around. Whatever the economy, the sales cycle, the season, the weather, the interest rates, the price of oil: we can give our mood and our personal contentment over to external forces.


Just "Stop!" for a moment and really re-read this.

  • Is this your life?
  • Do you want this roller coaster to stop?
  • Do you really want to become an unstoppable force of energy, mood, motivation and power?

Then you need this information!

The book SURRENDER™ to Passion leads you on a 28-Day journey into what really matters in your life so you can Rekindle Your Passion and Reclaim Your Power. Step up your game and take back control of your life!

Check out SURRENDER™ to Passion: Worried to Wonderful in 28 Days. See excerpts here.

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Events on PAUSE until further notice.

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If Kryptonite is lethal to SuperMan, Stress is lethal to People with Differences!

Stress is a symptom of something wrong going on under the hood, and it makes every mental difference into a mental mountain. We can experience stress as overwhelm, panic, worry, anxiety, nervousness, fear, and tension. At its worst, long-term stress can lead to mental meltdowns (and burnout) and contribute to debilitating physical diseases. It changes our blood pressure, our digestion, our blood-sugar levels, our hormonal balance, immune system, and more.

I help you conquer stress, and coach you through self-acceptance so you can change how you view your differences and help you find your path through life so that it becomes a life you want to live.

You can get a taste of the SURRENDER™ to Passion stress-relief system right now:
Get your copy of 9 Tips for Overwhelm Relief today -- Free!

Our Unique Approach to Eliminating Overwhelm

Get more information
about me here:

More information
about Rev. Criss

Or more information about
eliminating overwhelm here:

Check out the
SURRENDER™ stress-relief system

You can get a taste of the SURRENDER™ to Passion stress-relief system right now:
Get your copy of 9 Tips for Overwhelm Relief today -- Free!

--- OR---

You can check out my book SURRENDER™ to Passion: Worried to Wonderful in 28 Days here!