
Relaxation Bingo™

Set a game time limit goal (a week, a month -- or even a day!), and see if you can get 5-in-a-row. Every time you come to this page, you'll get a random playing board. There are currently 42 different relaxing activities that can be picked for your Relaxation Bingo™ board.








Don't worry about whether it's great or fancy, but draw, sketch, paint, model with clay, whatever takes your fancy. It can range from artistic expression if you draw your sleeping puppy, or mindfulness meditation if you do a paint-by-numbers.



Taken in small doses, and being careful to pick the right shows, vegging out is good relief. Aim for comedy for a double-dose of relaxation through laughter.



Sit in a sauna, a sweat lodge, or boil a pot of water and pour it into a heat-proof bowl and sit with a towel over your head & the bowl, breathing in the steam. For the latter, try adding about a teaspoon of dried lavender, basil (from your cooking herbs), or fresh mint to the bowl.



Rocking has a way to melt away stress and give you some primal comfort. Find some way to rock yourself - a hammock hanging in your yard, a rocking chair or glider, a porch swing or swing set at the local park. The movement of rocking is an echo of the peace of the mother's womb.

Fake It


Read about relaxation tips and blog articles about the benefits of humor, laughter, exercise, meditation, etc. Keep it upbeat, positive, and action-focused. Did you know that imagining doing something has some of the benefits of actually doing it? If you're in bed sick, disabled, or just not feeling able to get up & DO something, try this one.



Find a person who can give you a massage: you can go pro, ask a spouse or friend, or [Link requires approval](approve). Touch is one of the most relaxing and rejuvenating sensations. Massage your own feet or hands, or have someone else give you a massage.

Tense & Release


It's called progressive relaxation. Starting at your feet and toes, tense your muscles then relax them. Pay attention to the different sensations of being tensed and relaxed. Move up your legs to your calves, then your thighs, repeat the tense and relax steps going all the way up your body until you get to your neck, face and scalp. Have fun making faces trying to get your scalp to tense up.



Decide between a formal movement meditation like yoga, tai chi, falun dafa or qi gong -- or you just do a simple stretching routine. In a pinch, just stretch for a few seconds (yes, you can yawn too). Movement brings blood and energy to unusual or underused places in your body, opens up the breathing passages, brings oxygen to your muscles. It also brings your attention to the present and grounds you in your body. Do what you're capable of and comfortable with -- this isn't a workout, it's a work-up.



Use a ball (a golf ball is perfect) to roll around under your feet. There are tons of acupressure points on your feet and it can be relaxing and therapeutic to massage them. Tennis balls or even a marble can work, too, just make sure to pick up the marble when you're done.



Soak all or part of you in a nice hot bath. Whirlpool or bathtub -- or even a small plastic tub for your feet. For extra soothing comfort, blend up to a half-cup of oatmeal into a coarse powder, pour into a coffee filter, tie closed with a rubber band and toss it in with the hot water. [Caution on the oatmeal if you have a jacuzzi or whirlpool! You don't want that bag to burst.]



Get your 20 minutes in the sun. Vitamin D and the heat melting into your bones can deeply relax you. Bring a timer, bugstuff, sunglasses and a hat if you need one, but get some exposure to sunlight. If you choose to go to the beach, make sure you use sunscreen! Avoid peak sun exposure. Remember there are parks, your own lawn, lake beaches, the side of the pool, etc. to enjoy.



Sit on the porch, lay on a blanket in a park, sit on a park bench, swing in a hammock, sit by a pool, and just be. Close your eyes if you want, fantasize or be present listening to the sounds, watching people, etc.



The easiest form of meditation is mindfulness. It's as easy as paying attention to your breathing. You can also really look at your surroundings, savor the touch of a tempting texture or fabric, smell your coffee for several minutes, or pick out individual instruments in an orchestral number. Anything that requires that you be really closely connected to this moment in time. Or you can try a more classic form of meditation: candle-gazing, guided meditation, yogic meditation, etc.



Take Vitamin D supplements, especially in the winter. When there's less light, we can get sluggish and stressy. Take a dose of sunshine in a pill daily when the weather is dreary or you're bottled up at work all day in artificial light. You need vitamin D every day.



Pick a relaxing beverage and savor it. In the summer try an herbal iced tea. Aim for non-caffeinated beverages: mint tea, "Sleepy" teas (mint-chamomile blends), fruit teas (raspberry), etc. Or try green tea for a mild amount of caffeine with health benefits.



Take a couple minutes to close your eyes. This relieves eyestrain, shuts out the world for a moment, and gives you a sense of privacy. Behind your eyelids you're alone with yourself for a moment.

Watch a Movie


Pick a favorite lighthearted movie you haven't seen in a while. Don't have anything at home? Check out your local library, or pick up a few movies at a garage sale.



Nuts, trail mix, granola, celery or carrot sticks. There's something satisfying about munching down on a healthy snack. Make sure to have some of that water you need to drink every day while you're at it.



Go for a leisurely walk. This isn't a power-walk for exercise, this is a stop-and-smell-the-roses walk. Breathe deeply, take in the view, people-watch, look at the landscaping, window shop, watch the birds and butterflies and squirrels, enjoy the view, be present in the moment.



Music has the power to instantaneously shift your mood. Put on headphones or lay down near your speakers and play songs that uplift your soul. You might want to make an upbeat playlist, or several playlists for different reasons. I have playlists of non-classical instrumental pieces (electronica, mostly) for certain moods, another with songs I can sing (which I use when driving), and songs that make me dance on yet another. The point is to relax, empower, or move you.



Some people swear by it. If you're not up to "big league" golf, try a solo game of miniature golf so that you're your only competition.

Lie Down


Sometimes you need to let your mind drift or allow all your muscles to relax. Lay down, or put your head down. You can set an alarm for 20 minutes if you're pressed for time. If you catnap, good for you. Allow all the weights of the world to become so heavy they fall right out of you.



Find a comfortable spot, wrap yourself in extra blankets if needed, and curl up with a book, magazine or a favorite stress-free blog. Best taken with fiction.



Make sure you're comfortable and that your feet are firmly planted on the floor. Straighten your back and lift your head. You might want to close your eyes. Take 5 deep slow breaths, and let them out like you're sighing. Make sure you're expanding your belly. Pay close attention to the feelings of your lungs and belly expanding. Breathing exercises are known to help you relax.

Road Trip


Think of a nearby place that you find beautiful and calming, and take a trip there. Enjoy the drive, blast the stereo with your favorite music, and let the journey be part of the cure.