Pilot Group Program Weekly Survey

Thank you for helping us work through the issues, content and group dynamics of this program. This is not a test; it's an opportunity to give anonymous feedback.

We hope to continually improve the sessions and our practice. Please fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts.

We may not be able to incorporate what is said into this week's coming session, we will try to if we can.

Which group coaching program were you enrolled in? (required)



How satisfied were y'all with this week's experience, overall?

Not very satisfied12345Extremely satisfied

Comments, differences of opinion:

We understand it will take time to digest everything in one week. How valuable or relevant do you think last week's content will be for y'all, overall?

Not very valuable12345Extremely valuable

Comments, differences of opinion:

What did you find most valuable about the last session?

No pressure; we are wondering whether you have done any of the optional suggested assignments, and if y'all found them helpful? Basically we want to know what difference it makes in what people get out of the coaching.

Is there anything we (the Crisses) could have done better, to make the session more effective or valuable to y'all?

Do you have any additional feedback or comments for us, personally:

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