SURRENDER™ to Passion - beginnings
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
8pm EST (5pm PST)
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Pin: 425081
SURRENDER™ to Passion - beginnings
From Worried to Wonderful
Free, 1 hour
When did we start living this life full of putting out fires? Are you running on empty and still getting nowhere?
How long have you been putting yourself off? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades? It took me TWENTY-FOUR years to finally write my first book. What dream or destiny is waiting for you?
There's an easy way to:
- get back into the driver's seat of your life
- take back your control
- do what you want to do
- recharge your batteries
- and live your dream life.
If you believe there has to be a better way to live, you are feeling bogged down instead of uplifted, you're busy doing things you "should" be doing instead of things you want to do, then this is the call for you. Come recharge, reset your internal GPS system, and take charge of your own life again.
This is a free call covering some simple steps to change your energy. We'll cover how to recognize our current energy state and a few simple steps to change our personal energy.