Joining a Creative Resource Cooperative™ - 12pm EST
Monday, January 11, 2010
12pm - 1:30pm EST
The Benefits of Joining a Creative Resource Cooperative™
What opportunities do we open up when we join together and pool our information, ideas, creativity and intuitive resources?
Creative Resource Cooperatives™ allow holistic minded practitioners to grow together, dream together, collaborate with ideas, and share or build business skills together.
Find out how a Creative Resource Cooperative™ will help you personally and professionally. Reverend Criss will address Creative Resource Cooperatives™ as mastermind groups from her unique interdisciplinary point of view as a life coach, spiritual counselor, and holistic practitioner. Learn why the world's most successful people are in mastermind groups and what the benefits will be if you join together in small groups, and actively participate.
1.5 hours, free.