Today was great. Thank you so much! You clarified my thinking a great deal and helped me to figure how to tackle what and when. You also made me understand I really had accomplished something and wasn't spinning my wheels as much as I had thought. I was also afraid I was scatter-gunning all over the place and needed to focus, and yet felt I had logical reasons to touch all the bases I was trying to touch. You made me feel it was OK.
--JoAnne Bell, [Link requires approval](approve), Middletown, NY

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Burnout Brainstorming Sessions

Would you like a group environment to work on exercises from Healer in the Hotseat, share your issues, stuck-points, ideas, triumphs with? Join us for a 4 week commitment to really working deeply and transform your burnout into a burning desire.

Ongoing Tuesdays starting October 20, 2009 - 7:30pm EST - 9:30pm EST

SPECIAL - 4 week commitment - $175 for seminar attendees⚠ (:AddToCart name="Burnout Brainstorming - 4 weeks" id="Brainstorming-2009" amount="175.00":)