"If you could Turn your Life Around
QUICKLY, what would that be worth to you?"

We all hit obstacles, have days where we aren't sure whether it's all worth it, or have confusion over what our goals are and whether we're making any progress at all.

Do any of these statements apply to your life?

  • You don't have the energy to get through the day without feeling sleepy or cranky.
  • You dread going in to work at the office or coming home.
  • You hide from your financial situation: you don't open your bills on time, you're often paying late fees; you don't have a handle on where your money is going or when.
  • Vacations are never long enough; you get back from vacation and feel like you never left.
  • You've forgotten what it's like to have dreams, a vision, and goals.

If you answered yes to any of these statements, it's a sign that you would benefit from a life coaching assessment, an energy management course, and more! You need a make-over.

Make small shifts for huge results!

Shining the spotlight on all the areas of your life allows you to find areas where even small improvements can make a big difference in your energy and in how satisfied you are with your life.

When you look at your life in detail, you don't always need assistance to see where you need to make changes. A little help, the right questions, and you can bring your life to a new level.

Why the 360-Degree Life Assessment™?

Typical 8 categories...

Most life assessments have you rate your level of satisfaction in 8 (or maybe 9) areas of your life. This gives a very broad overview of your general satisfaction, but this broad approach really misses important nuances in our lives. What if you're happy with your romance and your friends, but unhappy that you're not doing more for your community? You must spend precious coaching time narrowing down why you rated a particular life area low, or because "community service" is not listed as a category, you might miss that entirely. The 8-category assessment puts the burden on expensive live coaching, rather than on making the tool more effective and useful as a stand-alone resource for clients and to help save time in the sessions.


With the 360-Degree Life Assessment™ we break those 8 broad categories into 36 important areas of your life -- and it doesn't take more than a few minutes extra to complete the assessment.

As an example, in a typical assessment a fictional person "Sally" might come out with a high score for "family & friend relationships" (typically one category she might rate it an 8) and pretty good on her "love life/romance" (7), but because the typical assessment skips over the importance of her social life and community involvement it would take several coaching sessions to discover that this is an area that she feels is missing in her life and to develop goals for improving this area.

If you have a really good coach, they probably don't use the typical written assessments because they aren't granular enough, so why bother?

...broken down into more detail.

Next Sally takes the 360-Degree Life Assessment™. An outtake is shown in the image on the right: Sally may have a wonderful and close relationship with her family (rated 9 on a 1 to 10 scale), pretty good relationships with her friends (rated 8), and as noted her love life could use some improvement (rated 7). However Sally's deep sense of dissatisfaction in the area of relationships with other people shows up in her lack of satisfaction with her social activities ("social life" rated at 5) and most especially her sense of not being involved in the community (rated 3). Sally now has a much more detailed map of areas to focus on, and the other workbook questions in the package will help her flesh out what to do about these issues.

Save Time & Money

One benefit of the 360-Degree Life Assessment™ is to save hours of discovery time when you're paying an hourly rate. Take a closer look at your life and get a more refined picture of your life than any other life assessment package: This is the first assessment that really saves time over just asking someone verbally about the 8 areas of their life.

Typical online "workbook" module.


Another benefit to the e 360-Degree Life Assessment™ is that there are built-in exercises. It's not simply a life assessment where you rate areas of your life and spend time with a coach going over the typical questions -- you take care of all those questions in the learning environment. Again, you're not spending precious 1:1 coaching time on the routine stuff. You save your answers and save time.

Saving your exercises also allows you to go back and re-take the assessment quarterly and compare your answers so you can see your progress.


Unlike books and workbooks, and even most ebooks, our online workbook modules can include audio and video in addition to a flexible environment that allows you to store files and record your responses to the exercise questions. On the right is a bird's eye view of the introduction to the 360-Degree Life Assessment™.

Anytime, Anyplace

Complete your life assessment anywhere and at any time. This gives you the flexibility to work on it while waiting for your kids at soccer practice, in a hotel room while on the road, or while lounging at the side of the pool taking in the sun.

We're going to save you time and money by accomplishing the routine work that life coaches help you do. But we do it QUICKLY, EASILY, PAINLESSLY, and it works wherever you have an internet connection!

Improve your Coaching Progress

Realize amazing new insights and attain ever-greater Ah-Hah! moments at a minimal expense and without needing an appointment. It's like having your coach in your back pocket, but it's so much better than a book. No book contains audio and video! You get hours of coaching in a variety of formats and at a bargain rate!

This 360-Degree Life Assessment™ can be used to help you guide future coaching sessions. Rather than focusing on issues that seem important but are just distractions, use this assessment tool to dig down into the more important areas of your life so you can make progress on the things that really matter without beating around the bush.

Save thousands of dollars by removing distractions and getting to the heart of the matter. Hone in on areas where serious obstacles are lurking. Cut to the chase, save time and money, and get more out of your precious time with a life coach by using this unique self-administered assessment tool and get a big-picture view. When you get stuck on something important, bring it to a live coaching session to really focus on the important stuff. Or even better, see our special upgrade offer below for deeply discounted Personal Attention and you'll never need to play phone tag to make an appointment.

Special Benefits of the 360-Degree Life Assessment™ Package

More detailed than any other broad-category life assessment package
Save time and money when working with a life coach
Freedom to work on lessons any time of the day or night
Flexibility to work anywhere you have an Internet connection
Satisfy your curiosity by reviewing former answers to see progress
No Surprises! There's no additional payments to make!
Independence to work on your own*
  • I know working on your own isn't right for everyone, so if you want more personalized attention with all the other freedom & flexibility, see the Personal Attention extended offering below!

This assessment package takes the place of at least 5 sessions of 1:1 life coaching! It's at least an $875 value!

Over $1000 in Special Bonuses!

Sign up today and I'll include these special audio programs for you to listen to online or download, including special online "workbook" assignments based on each audio program!

Giving Your All (without giving it all away) teleseminar recording & exercises
Introduction to Energy Management teleseminar recording & exercises
How to charge for your services teleseminar recording & exercises

Each of these seminars plus online workbook assignments is at least a $350 value! You're getting this material as a free bonus!

In the realm of Life Coaching, Criss is emerging as a master coach: she is a careful and thoughtful listener, a creative and innovative collaborator, and an open-hearted mentor in a process of self-discovery, self-development, and self-creation. She has been for me the epitome of the expression "the student has become the teacher".
--Sheila Pearl, MSW, Life Coach and Coaching Instructor, Newburgh, NY

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Do you Like Personal Attention?

Rev. Criss

Have your hand held by the 360-Degree Life Assessment™ creator, life coach Rev. Criss Ittermann, with custom homework assignments based on your responses, and hours of personalized attention and additional coaching work tailored to your specific needs.

This interactive upgrade is only available to 5 people who act quickly. No gimmick: we may never offer this upgrade option again since there are other programs we're working on. Upgrade to Personal Attention and get 8 weeks of personal online coaching assignments in the program tool -- for only an additional $1480! This type of coaching just for the 360-Degree Life Assessment™ alone is worth $2625!

This is an unprecedented amount of coaching! You will be coached through the 360-Degree Life Assessment™ and all the bonus materials you can complete within the 8 week period! This is thousands of dollars worth of coaching! A minimum of $6125 in value, for only $1997. But only 5 students will be accepted at this level, so act today!!

Special Upgrade Bonus
2 additional coaching programs!

Yes Criss! I want to accelerate my progress in life by taking this first step in a new relationship with myself.

Get Personal Attention and over $3000 in bonuses!

  • 360-Degree Life Assessment™ online coaching package & exercises
  • Bonus! Giving Your All (without giving it all away) teleseminar recording & exercises
  • Bonus! Introduction to Energy Management teleseminar recording & exercises
  • Bonus! How to charge for your services teleseminar recording & exercises
  • Upgrade Bonus! SURRENDER™ to Passion teleseminar recording & exercises
  • Upgrade Bonus! SuperWoman's Power Secrets teleseminar recording & exercises

Claim your 360-Degree Life Assessment™ with Personal Attention
and all 5 bonus packages NOW!
Only 5 slots available for $6125 $1975!

I'll just take the 360-Degree Life Assessment™ package:
I'll work on my own, with only 3 bonus packages for $1925 $497.

Note: You will be billed by Rev. Criss Ittermann's company "Eclectic Tech, LLC" on all purchases.